
Monday 29 February 2016

3 amazing offices in Melbourne city

Many of us secretly harbor the dream of having a place of work that suits our personal taste and style (but alas, not so many of us poor employees can have such dream fulfilled in our lifetime).

Some desire to have a secluded space to accomplish tons of daily tasks without much distraction; some love to work amidst greenery under a warm bright canopy; some dream of working in an open plan workspace where colleagues can share inspiring ideas and cheerful snippets from time to time.

Below are 3 amazing offices located within the city of Melbourne that can perhaps provoke your inspirations to design your very unique dream office.

1.         DesignInc

Situated at the second floor of the heritage-listed GPO Building at Bourke Street, the office environment of the DesignInc Studio stays true to the firm’s design philosophy,:- “the built environment should be an extension of the natural world and take inspiration from nature”. 

The DesignInc Studio is a very cool open space workplace offering a healthy work environment with access to bright natural light and fresh air. Green plants are visible at every corner of the workplace. The office even has a sizeable balcony garden with edible vegetables and plants.

Another interesting fact of this office: The centre of DesignInc’s corner studio is apparently the central point from which the road distances from Melbourne are measured.

 Location: Level 2, GPO Building, 350 Bourke Street, Melbourne 3000

 2.         Escala Partners

Three words to describe the office: Elegant, sophisticated and glamorous!

Stepping into the office is like arriving at a dazzling social club of mid-century Manhattan. With its luxurious leather couches, contemporary pendant lights, and stylish bar-cum-reception table; the atmosphere has the potential to easily turn a serious talk of money and wealth management into a light-hearted handshake and deal. 

The project was a finalist of the prestigious Interior Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) 2014.

Location: Level 19, 90 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000

3.         Folk Architects, Nicholas Building

The exterior of the building is massive, ancient and unassuming. The elevator brought us up to the office was old, slow, and narrowly confined. The corridor spaces are modest and unsophisticated, with boring cream tiled walls and linoleum floors.

Despite that, there was some inexplicably romantic atmosphere associated with this nine-floor majestic building, which used to be one of the rare 30 “limit-height” buildings built while the strict regulations were in force between 1916 and 1957.

With its largely intact interiors, the Nicholas Building provides excellent example of an office in the 1920s era. The building houses mostly independent creative designers these days. Folk Architect are one the current tenants of Nicholas Building. The office is private, simple, with a fantastic view of the modern city of Melbourne.

Location: Nicholas Building, 37 Swanston Street, Melbourne 3000.

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